Gabrielle Stone (b. 1990) is a contemporary abstract painter based in Chicago, IL. Her work explores the nature of place using color, form, and materiality to depict environments that are whimsical in their reimagining. Influenced by her deep attachment to physical spaces, Stone’s paintings communicate geometry and structure while embodying its very dissolution.

Stone holds a Bachelor of Arts in studio art and creative writing from Carleton College where she studied under artists Fred Hagstrom and David Lefkowitz, art historian Ross Elfline, and curator Margaret Pezalla-Granlund. The late artist, Larry McKim, was also a significant mentor in her early years before leaving the east coast.

Notable clients and collaborators include: Johalla Projects, Amy Elizabeth Interiors, Studio Sven, Daniel Kinkade Fine Art, Beige, Mesirow Financial, Chancelor Davis Gallery, L7 Hotels, among others.


The concept of ‘place’ is a persistent theme in my work.

A stubbornly homesick child, I developed inflated attachments to my environments, often filling with panic whenever a space felt unfamiliar or inhospitable. A series of diseases in my bones intensified this anxiety, as I began to think of the body as hostile and dangerous, and started believing strongly in the presumed peace that existed in the elements surrounding my body.

When home wasn't accessible to me, the nature of whatever space I was inside grew salient, and it became standard practice for me to qualify a place based on whether it felt “good” or “protected.”

With so much of my inner world dependent on the perceived quality of my outer one, I developed an interest in the built environment and became a writer specializing in architecture and urban design. Clarifying the psychology and humanity behind well-conceived spaces has been the impetus behind my design writing; my paintings pursue this same understanding.

The environments depicted in my paintings are speculative, using the fantastical interplay between shapes, colors, and layers to communicate abstract places that feel comfortable and resolved. Implied masses, suggested cross-sections, and horizon lines convince the eye of earth and infrastructure, while elements like canvas texture, tonal opacity, and an emphasis on the historic mark reinforce the painting’s physical nature, and its ultimate function as an object inside of a room.

for inquiries + collaborations:

410 S. Michigan Ave.
Suite 801B
Chicago, IL 60605